Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Starting my trip

Here I am patiently waiting at the San Diego Airport for the first leg of my trip. I will leave to Lax in 40 minutes, wait there for about 2 hours and then be on my way. I will land in Rome, go thru customs which means I have to tote my large suitcase, smaller one and my heavy computer case, yuk! I don't have a camera at this time as I lost mine while at Valencia, Spain in April. I have been using Cindy's but once in Italy I will be using Cassandra's. I will be at Venice at 5:45a.m. our time, 2:45p.m. her time.

Cassandra will not be getting out of work until 4 so I won't be seeing her until 5 on up, she drives slow. I told her to find me near the snack bar in the Venice Airport because next to it is this neat contraption that one pays to have their luggage wrapped in plastic wrap to secure the contents and it was really interesting watching this process so I'll have 2 hours of that.

Will close for now, don't want to bore my blogger watchers with too much tedious info, but can you tell I have time to burn? Oh, well, hang in there with me it will get more interesting once I have some pictures to share with you.

Just have to add a few lines after I posted this. As I was saying earlier in this blog that I had plenty of time, NOT! Good thing I checked my ticket and saw that my flight left at 12:30 and 12:50pm like I thought. Needless to say as it was 12:20 p.m., I tossed everything very quickly in my computer case and made a mad dash to the already formed line! I thought oh, no is this how my trip will be, i.e. going south to Naples 2 hours south of Rome instead of north of Rome to Venice, but as I have arrived safe and sane to Cassandra's my thoughts were for nought.

We had dinner and I am getting ready to go to bed as I have 5 hours of sleep with a 28 hour period, so good night to all of you that are at Yosemite, Monterey County and in the hot Imperial County.

buena sera

Hasta luego, (can still say it this way because I don't have to switch to italian yet)
Catherine, the world traveler

leave your posts for my sake too.

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